Friday, September 4, 2015

Anasazi: The People of the Caves

Image via: photobucket

The picture above shows Chaco Canyon, located near Albuquerque New Mexico. I chose this photo because it really shows just how massive the Anasazi were able to get. With their often, very big houses, and their village located inside of a canyon, these people were not only able to adapt and survive, but were also able to thrive. The sources I chose were references from a database that contained culture, history, among many other things about the Anasazi. It showed me that these people were much ahead of their time, and with help from their location, were able to do things many other tribes weren’t able to do.
The primary source that I chose is an image of a ceramic duck, it was found around Chaco Canyon and was thought to have carried water for spiritual purposes, believing that this relic would help bring rain, the Anasazi carried this many places. The Anasazi also constructed primal trade routes, building very long roads that connected other groups of Anasazi, and also helped to create ties with other MesoAmerican groups.
The sources that I chose to use were references in a database called 'abc clio'. This database is very trusted, and can easily be used to find information on a variety of things.

Bureau of Land Management, ‘Duck Effigy Vessel’, 2014.

Lister, Robert Hill, and Florence Cline Lister. Chaco Canyon: Archaeology and Archaeologists.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1981. Accessed Sept. 7, 2015

Pike, Donald, Anasazi: Ancient People of the Rock. American West Publishing Company, 1974. Accessed
7 Sept. 2015.

Ubbelohde, Carl, et al. A Colorado History, Boulder, CO: Pruett Publishing Company, 2003.
Accessed Sept. 7, 2015

Watts, Timothy J. ‘Anasazi roads in Chaco Canyon.’, 2015.
Accessed 7 Sept. 2015.


  1. Nice job Kareem, It looks like our projects both had some similar things that we didn't even coordinate! I agree that it is important to use Anasazi crafts as a primary source too.

  2. Nice job Kareem, It looks like our projects both had some similar things that we didn't even coordinate! I agree that it is important to use Anasazi crafts as a primary source too.

  3. Hey Kareem, I find the facts that you have provided very interesting, but I am a bit confused as to what you are trying to argue. What would that be?

    1. Thank you so much for your helpful comment! Mainly I am just trying to argue that the Anasazi are in fact ahead of their time, this thought was based on the buildings that they have built and the other aspects of their culture and life!

  4. Hey Kareem, I find the facts that you have provided very interesting, but I am a bit confused as to what you are trying to argue. What would that be?
