Monday, September 7, 2015

Ojibwe/Chippewa: The Great Northern Tribe

Image Via: Crystalinks

In this picture an Ojibwe family canoes down one of the numerous rivers that flows through the Midwest and Southern Canadian region. Nature was essential to the Ojibwe because they relied on it to support their lifestyle which is why parts of their religion was based off of nature. They relied on nature to provide animals for food and rivers for transportation. The Ojibwe need nature because of the resources it produced  for them to build tools and houses. The Ojibwe even fought other tribes such as the Dakota for the lands in northern Minnesota because of the potential it showed for making a good place to settle. Nature was a large part of the Ojibew's relgion as well as their lifestyle. The Ojibwe believed that they should not tamper with nature or change it but rather live with it because it gave so much to them. The Ojibwe also believed that they were no more important than a rock so they treated the land with great respect. Land on which the Ojibwe lived and also being in harmony with the land was so important to the Ojibwe that without their devotion to it the Ojibwe would of never had the success they achieved in the Midwest.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This could be better. Lol just JOSHing you. Its pretty solid man. I especially like the language part. Thats pretty kewl.

  3. This is really good Josh

  4. Good interesting and other complementary facts
    8.9/10 would read again

  5. Very good Josh! I love how you talked a lot about where they were located, where/how/why they moved to different places! Very interesting.

  6. Really like the pictures you chose!

  7. Good job Josh! Adding pictures to your links makes your project look really good.

  8. Good job Josh! Adding pictures to your links makes your project look really good.
