Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Inuit: Thriving in a Harsh Enviorment

This picture shows a typical inuit family building an igloo.  Because the Inuit were always on the move and the cold environment they used the ice and snow to build small huts that were easily built and taken down. 


  1. I found it interesting learning about the seals going away from common hunting grounds and how they had to deal with it.

  2. I found it interesting learning about the seals going away from common hunting grounds and how they had to deal with it.

  3. I thought that this was really interesting! I didn't realize that the inuit could still hunt sea animals! Overall I think that this is very good, but try to make your points a little longer. I think that after you make your points a little longer and more detailed, you'll have a great project on your hands! 6/10

  4. I thought that this was really interesting! I didn't realize that the inuit could still hunt sea animals! Overall I think that this is very good, but try to make your points a little longer. I think that after you make your points a little longer and more detailed, you'll have a great project on your hands! 6/10
