Friday, September 4, 2015

Cheyenne - Horses of change

The introduction of horses to the Cheyenne radically changed the way they lived from a peaceful life of agriculture to a more war driven way of life. Before the Europeans came to America, the Native Americans lived a very peaceful farming focused life. They grew crops and hunted small animals without moving around very often because their food supply was substantial. But once the Europeans introduced horses into the Native American culture, all of that changed. The horses indirectly caused the Cheyenne to go to war with many other tribes. The Cheyenne developed a way of life that was very suited to constant warring with other tribes. They started to train their boys from a young age to be able to participate in battle. The boy in the account gets to participate in a raid on another tribe because he has been trained and he has one of the fastest horses. In the account the narrator stated that he was 10 at the time and that the raid he participated in then was not the first one. The Primary source illustrates how horses were an important tool once the war started and how they were used. It also shows that boys were being trained in combat from an age as young as ten.

King-Ries, Kristin. "Cheyenne." Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America. Ed. Thomas Riggs. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2014. 465-477. U.S. History in Context. Web. 7 Sept. 2015.

ncyclopædia Britannica Online, s. v. "Cheyenne", accessed September 07, 2015,

Grinnell George, “The Cheyenne Indians,” Nebraska, First Bison Book Printing, 1972, September 7

Grinnell George, “The Cheyenne Indians,” Pg 5, Nebraska, First Bison Book Printing, 1972, September 8


  1. Hi Cameron,

    I liked how you talked about horses. However, what other purposes were used for the horses besides war? Was war their only way of survival? What other ways did the Cheyenne use for survival?

    1. As I explained in the explanatory paragraph and the paragraph regarding food sources and their changes, which you must have overlooked, the horses were also used for hunting buffalo. Was was not their only way of survival, as I explained and as you must have overlooked again in the food sources paragraph, they farmed corn and wild rice for food.

  2. Your formatting could use work: put a space between the picture and the paragraph, don' use centered font, and make sure you put punctuation where it's needed in your work cited. Good presentation is important.

  3. Also it's not all in the same font.....?
