Friday, September 4, 2015


The Dakota people's ability to survive and thrive is largely due to their cooperation with their two neighboring tribes. The group known as the Sioux was made up of the Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota tribes, and their alliance made them all successful. Their culture was very similar, and this allowed them to join together in times of struggle, and share with each other in times of prosperity. The main similarities in their culture were their language, family structure, and religion. While the three goups did speak their own unique language, they all originated from the same base Dakota language, with very similar variations starting in the different regions of the Sioux territory. Also, their social structure was connected to the other two groups, with the seven council fires being split between them. This made it much easier to work together across family groups. Another culture parallel was their religion. The Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota all had the same religion, going to spiritual war together, honoring the same animals, and all performing the same important ritual, the Sun Dance. All of these cultural similarities allowed the three groups to work together for the benefit of everyone. Their most important endeavors together were when they allied to fight, or more commonly, to find food. They often collected wild rice from the same lakes, or hunted the same buffalo and deer, or fished from the same waters. This cooperation with the other Sioux tribes, is the most crucial component to the success of the Dakota.

Native Peoples Prior to European Arrival. Accessed September 8, 2015. 


  1. I found the way you described the Sun Dance under your religion link very interesting. Do you know why the act of piercing was practiced or what this holiday represented?

    1. Piercing was mostly a test of your dedication to the tribe, and a test of the power of resillience in tribe members.

  2. Hi Sean,

    I really liked your Thinglink Blog when you mention how the Dakota was able to thrive and survive. Do you agree that their interactions with other tribes was their most crucial facet for their survival? Did their diversity result from their interactions with other tribes? What is your reasoning?

  3. Hey Sean, this is a very interesting blog. I really found the link about religion interesting, especially the part about the piercings. Do you know anything about the significance of the annual Sun Dance? I would love to know more!

  4. I really enjoyed reading your blog and saw many of the points you made connect with my own. I would like to know a little more about their relations with tribes. Perhaps more about how the interacted with tribes they weren't allied with? Just because I struggled to find good information on that point.
