Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shoshone Indians: Living in The Great Basin

I picked this image of the women and children of the Shoshone tribe because it shows the style housing the Shoshones had due to harsh climates not accommodating to a more permanent way of living. The Shoshone were nomadic people who moved from place to place around the Great Basin area on either sides of the Rocky Mountains which affected the Shoshone later on with trade with Europeans, and also benefited the Shoshone because they came in contact with Europeans much later because of the region they were living in. I chose my primary source because it talked about the Rocky Mountains and the harsh climates which connected with the Shoshone indians because movement from area to area were common. I picked my topics as clothing, history of the Shoshone indians, food/hunting and patterns of movement. I chose those topics and my specific sources because I felt extremely interested in the clothing the Shoshone wore, the resources they found as well as the animals they hunted while on horses. These topics and sources dive deeper into who the Shoshone really were with their styles of migration to find new resources, and how they continuously were adapting to unfamiliar places.


  1. I liked reading about the clothes and beading that the Shoshones wore. I wonder if they ever faced sicknesses because they were constantly moving. I also wonder if they kept moving after coming in contact with the new settlers because you said they had and economic boom due to the fur trade.

    1. I was also wondering about their migration patterns! I think explaining how exactly the Native Americans benefited post European contact. Did they profit in terms of monetary gains? Were they given technologies?

    2. I was also wondering about their migration patterns! I think explaining how exactly the Native Americans benefited post European contact. Did they profit in terms of monetary gains? Were they given technologies?
