Friday, September 4, 2015

The Hopi Tribe: Never disappears

The famous August Snake Dance. Photo via: Legends of America
Before the Europeans, there used to be communities living near each other, creating their own way of life. The Hopi is one of them. I am very interested in the Hopi's life before contact with the Europeans. To really know about a society, you must dig deep into the way they work and live together. That is why my project emphasizes on the Hopi everyday life and things that have big impacts on them. With the picture, I tried to find the one that can reflect a lot about the Hopi. The picture I chose not only shows the traditional dance of the Hopi but also the costumes and houses. With the topics, I chose to delve into the following: who they were, how they organized their community, how they got over or suffered from diseases, their gender roles and their language. After some research, I realized how sophisticated the Hopi used to be. They were a large interdependent community with their own culture and religion. In fact, they still exist today with a smaller population. – it was the first thing that captured me when I started researching. It is extraordinary that their beautiful culture is still kept today. In summary, I believe that the Hopi tribe had never disappeared: they still exist in the legacies they passed down to their successors.


  1. Hi Trinh,
    I found each link very intriguing because I too did the Hopi, but talked about completely different things and this was very enlightening for me! I found it super interesting the small facts you would incorporate such as this was the first tribe that was infected by smallpox. Do you know why the Hopis were the first tribe of all Native Americans to get this disease?
    Overall fantastic job!

  2. Trinh,

    I thought your thing link was very organized. I had some questions about who lived close to Hopi people. And which tribes had better connection to the Hopi tribe. I think that it was a great idea to integrate Hop smallpox outbreak. I think it truly relates with Hopi people were affected and how there population decreased.
