Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Inuit: The First People of the Artic

The picture above is an illustration of an Inuit tribe during the winter. Here we can see the common structure of Inuit homes, many were built og sticks and animals hides and were made so that they could always be moved around because many Inuit tribes were nomadic. 


  1. Toyin this is very well written. I had no idea that the Inuit would hunt walrus and whales, that is a very cool fact. I was surprised to find that your tribe has similar gender roles as mine.

  2. We did the same tribe and I noticed that we used many of the same sources. I find this interesting because it means that there isn't that much information on the internet about the Inuit people.

  3. I really liked your blog I thought you explained the topics very well. One thing that I found similar was that both tribes were very connected to nature and i thought that was really interesting .

  4. I really liked your blog I thought you explained the topics very well. One thing that I found similar was that both tribes were very connected to nature and i thought that was really interesting .
